EN Thealexandrian
Advanced Gamemastery: The Fork in the Road

EN Thealexandrian
Hexcrawl Running Sheets

EN Thealexandrian
So You Want to Be a Game Master!
The Alexandrian » So You Want to Be a Game Master
“I wish I had Justin’s book when I was 15. It would have made me a better DM, like it will make you a better DM.” – Matthew Colville Have you ever...

EN Thealexandrian
Review: Alice is Missing

EN Thealexandrian
Campaign Status Module: Supporting Cast

De la importancia de una buena comunicación
The Alexandrian » Advanced Gamemastery: Are You Sure You Want To Do That?
Advanced Gamemastery: Are You Sure You Want To Do That? January 23rd, 2023 You are SURE you want to do that? No! Bad GM! No cookie! Are you SURE you want to ask your players if they’re sure you want to do that?

Carlos Ferrer: Qué bien se explica el hombre
Néstor C.: {@CarlosFerrer} No soy muy de vídeos y no conocía los de the Alexandrian. Eso sí, sus artículos son bastante disfrutables independientemente de que se centre más en osr que...
Random GM Tip: While You’re Dead
