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I'm very happy to announce that we are going to play a really special one-shot of Mysthea: Legends From the Borderlands run by Jay Iles. And as players we'll have Becky Annison, David Morrison and myself. Mysthea is being kickstarted right now and we wanted to show it in action for you all. We'll be streaming it live today 31st of March at 20:00 GMT+1.

If you don't know it yet, Mysthea: Legends From the Borderlands is a tabletop roleplaying game about politics, adventure and discovery in a geomantic fantasy world based on Tabula Game's Mysthea Universe. It fuses the grand strategy of board games like Twilight Imperium, Scythe and Mysthea itself with the tense character-driven adventures of pen-and-paper roleplaying games.

Rauko: Is that a PbtA game?
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