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Alepthar Games, dándome alegrías otra vez...

"The net result for Red Moon Rising has been that the delivery of this project has been pushed forward once again, because Red Moon Rising was scheduled to appear with the new edition of the core Revolution D100 rules, and we had to postpone the new edition to make room for this new project. We apologize for this further delay and understand that some contributors may be sincerely annoyed. It was not a simple decision to make, but we were afraid that not prioritising Dynamic D100 would jeopardize it. And our fears were correct."

Néstor C.: Eso sí, promete terminar para 2020...
emod: JR Galvez es quién mejor sabe como está el tema. En su canal suele tener a la peña al tanto. De momento antes de marzo nada, pero la cosa pinta regulera.
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