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Aquí esta la entrevista que hice ayer al autor de Comrades, un juego de rol PbtA sobre revolucionarios luchando contra un gobierno opresor. Espero que os guste!
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Announcing StoryAlways interview with W.M. Akers, author of Comrades

I'm very happy to announce the next guest at Story Always: W.M. Akers. He's a playwright, author of the novel WESTSIDE and the designer Comrades, which is now in Kickstarter. Comrades is a PbtA rpg about an underground group of revolutionaries trying to fight an oppressive government and take it down. We'll talk about the history of revolutions, our current situation and the role that RPGs like Comrades can play in helping us face it. The interview will be streamed live on our twitch channel this next Friday 22nd at 00:00 (so midnight between Thursday and Friday) on GMT+0. Check when is that on your local timezone by clicking on the event link bellow. I hope to see you all there and as always sharing is appreciated!
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Bite Me! el juego PbtA sobre hombres lobo y las relaciones de la manada, ya esta en Kickstarter. Pude dirigirlo hace unos meses y lo recomiendo encarecidamente si queréis drama del bueno, violencia súbita y sexy hombres y mujeres lobo.

SantiB: Un pbta de pinches furros. El límite es el cielo.
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Here's the interview I did yesterday with @NerdBurgerCraig about his experience as a designer, his recent games and his upcoming projects. Check it out and share it around!

Craig's links:
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Prog. La droga mas adictiva de todas.

WallaceMcGregor: ¿Tech Death?
Hijos Del Rol: {@WallaceMcGregor} eso no es una droga. Eso es el viaje cósmico que sale al final de 2001 A Space Odissey
WallaceMcGregor: {@Hijos Del Rol} Me gusta ese símil. Porque no soy de drogas XDDD
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Ya tenéis disponible el episodio 5 de nuestra campaña de Hijos de Doskvol, lleno de policías, ladrones, demonios, fuegos artificiales y la sensación de revivir tu pasado y darte cuenta que la persona que eras en aquel entonces ha desaparecido.

WallaceMcGregor: {@SantiB} A mi ese toque de metajuego me gusta. Porque el juego lo introduce de una manera un tanto diferente, poniendo más peso en manos de los jugadores. Así además sirve para...
SantiB: {@WallaceMcGregor} tendría que probarlo como jugador. Si dios quiere lo probaré alguna vez, por que con la populariadad que ha alcanzdo, no creo que falte gente con ganas de jugarlo por la...
Mr demonio: Te adelanto que desde dentro ni te enteras. Estaba tan inmerso que cuando miré la hora había pasado 5 horas.
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Anuncio: Vuelve Hijos de Doskvol!!! Mañana Viernes a las 21:30 hora peninsular retomamos nuestra campaña de Blades in the Dark. Esperamos verte allí!

Hijos de Doskvol es una campaña del Blades in the Dark de John Harper en la que seguiremos las aventuras y desventuras de una banda de criminales en un mundo de fantasía industrial.
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Announcing StoryAlways Episode 25: interview with Craig Campell from NerdBurger Games

In this episode of StoryAlways we'll have the pleasure of talking with Craig Campbell from NerdBurger Games. He's the award-winner designer of games such as Murders & Acquisitions, Capers and Die Laughing, among many others. We'll be talking about his most recent games, his design process and his upcoming projects. Join us live to chat this next Sunday 17th of February at 20:00 GMT+0 on our twitch channel. And as always, sharing this is greatly appreciated. See you there!
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There is enough for everyone's need
There might not be enough for everyone's greed
But there is enough for everyone's need
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Hello everyone! I'm very happy to announce our new guests on StoryAlways: Stentor Danielson and Cheyenne Grimes from Glittercats Fine Amusements. They are the authors of the storytelling rpg about tiny kittens learning to control their lasers so they can grow up to be awesome cats. In this occasion we'll be talking about More Kittens, an expansion for the game with tons of new content that is now on Kickstarter.

The interview will be streamed live on our Twitch channel this next Saturday 9th of February at 15:00 GMT+0. I hope to see you all there!
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En este vídeo crearemos un nuevo personaje para nuestra campaña de Hijos de Doskvol. Su nombre es Hix Keep, y sera interpretado por Raúl "Mr Demonio".

Haz una donación para apoyar el canal:

SantiB: El mal ha llegado a Doskvol..
Mr demonio: Hix Keel
WallaceMcGregor: Con ese nombre a fármaco milagroso de teletienda no auguro nada bueno XDDD
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Descripción sacada de su Facebook:

"You like Middle Earth? You like metal? Check out Gates to the Abyss' new album "Sorcery of Melkor", featuring songs about surviving on hobbit meat, fighting side by side with your orc brethren, and joining the forces of Melkor, the true dark lord!"
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