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¡Me complace anunciar que el próximo episodio de Hijos de Doskvol se emitirá mas pronto de lo que esperáis! Este próximo domingo a las 6:30pm hora peninsular volvemos a las calles de Doskvol: link AQUÍ
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I'm very happy to announce our new guest at StoryAlways: Catherine Ramen from Aviatrix Games. She's the author of games such as Midnight at the Oasis, Rovers and is soon going to Kickstart her newest game "Red Carnations on a Black Grave":

Red Carnations on a Black Grave is the story of 12 Communards during the time of the legendary Paris Commune, their messy personal lives and their attempts to create a utopia in the face of impending death. How far would you go for what you believe in? Would you stand firm even if it meant your death? Red Carnations on a Black Grave is a card-driven freeform game very much in the spirit of Montsegur: 1244 and Witch: the Road to Lindisfarne.
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Tras una larga parada, este Viernes por la noche por fin vuelve Hijos de Doskvol, nuestra campaña de Blades in the Dark. ¡No os lo perdáis!
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Ya esta disponible el Kickstarter de Hearts of Wulin, un PbtA sobre historias Wuxia. No solo recrea la accion y aventura propia del genero, sino también la pasión y emociones de sus personajes. Tuve la oportunidad de jugarla y me gusto mucho. Echadle un vistazo!

Hearts of Wulin by The Gauntlet Gaming Community — Kickstarter

The Gauntlet Gaming Community is raising funds for Hearts of Wulin on Kickstarter! A tabletop roleplaying game of wuxia melodrama, Powered by the Apocalypse.

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I'm very pleased to announce our next guests at StoryAlways: Hailey Gordon and Vee Hendro from Storybrewers Roleplaying. They are the authors of games such as Alas for the Awful Sea and Good Society. And in particular we'll be discussing an expansion for the latter one that is currently being crowdfunded on an already successful Kickstarter campaign: An Expanded Acquaintance.

For those of you who haven't heard about it, Good Society is a collaborative roleplaying game that seeks to capture the heart, and the countenance, of Jane Austen’s work. It is a game of balls, estates, sly glances, and turns about the garden. At least on the surface. Underneath this, just as in Austen’s own novels, it is a game of social ambition, family obligation and breathtaking, heart-stopping longing.
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Estaba esperando con muchas ganas este album de Warforged, que sale este Viernes. Pero me han dado una sorpresa subiendo el album a youtube con videocilps para el album entero. Que no cambia nada pero mola. Últimamente la discográfica The Artisan Era esta que se sale.

Todavía tengo que darle unas cuentas vueltas mas, pero de momento me esta gustando bastante el disco. Black Metal experimental con un sonido bastante original.
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