Apple whole Néstor C.

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EN Whatdoiknowjr

What Do I Know About First Impressions? Coriolis: The Great Dark RPG Quickstart (Year Zero Engine)

So much crowdfunding, so little money! It’s always tricky trying to look at quickstart rules or previews and still get something written in time for it to potentially matter for the funding campaign. What we’re looking at today should have about a week left (until April 11th, 2024) from...
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EN Thealexandrian

Advanced Gamemastery: The Fork in the Road

Do the PCs need to stay together because the players want to stay together? Whether dealing with troublemakers or just irreconcilable differences, is your game doomed to an ignominious end? Whether you’re hunting vampires in Graveoak or dragons in the Cerulean Alps, USA Today Bestselling Author and ENnie Award-winning...
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EN Thealexandrian

So You Want to Be a Game Master!

Para cualquiera que se maneje hablando hereje, el autor de este libro tiene muy buenas recomendaciones para dirigir, no sólo centrándose en D&D por cierto.

The Alexandrian » So You Want to Be a Game Master

“I wish I had Justin’s book when I was 15. It would have made me a better DM, like it will make you a better DM.” – Matthew Colville Have you ever...

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EN Dumpstatadventures

Deep Dive - The Atropal

This undead creature has a spark of divine energy, granting it power over
life an death.

Crowker: Me flipa el engendrillo este XD
Aira: El trasfondo de los Atropal me parece de lo más retorcido y macabro que hay en Dungeons. Aparte que su poder es flipante (son, o iban a ser dioses al fin y...
Néstor C.: Lo puse por la ilustración,pero menudo bicharraco...
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EN Thealexandrian

Campaign Status Module: Supporting Cast

Go to Campaign Status Documents Generally speaking, my campaign status document is not the place for full NPC write-ups to live. Whether you’re using something like the Universal NPC Roleplaying template or even the briefest of write-ups, these NPCs will consume your campaign status document and choke the life...
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EN Riseupcomus

Pointcrawling Character Creation

The blog that brought you hexflower character creation now brings you....POINTCRAWLING CHARACTER CREATION. You have been invited to the Counsel at Aben Garan. You must travel through the world, braving the fortresses of the enemy (skulls), exploring ruins, crossing natural wonders (stars), and visiting holdfasts (castles) to reach your destination....
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EN Riseupcomus

Making Magical Items Feel Magical

+1 swords are boring. I talked about that here. Can we apply the principle of "active, fantastic magic" to other common magic items? Flaming swordI think the flaming sword is particularly pathetic. It sounds so cool. A flaming sword! What does it do? Ah, "additional damage." Wow. Let's hit this one like...

Crowker: Lo del Gorrino me ha flipado. La verdad es que los objetos mágicos que solo dan bonos son un rollo. A mi me gusta meterles efectos secundarios , cosillas inesperadas... ...
Crowker: {@NestorC} En La última partida que jugué de Clásicos del Mazmorreo había un perrete para "Solventar trampas" entre otras cosillas deleznables ;)
Néstor C.: {@Crowker} Es muy de clásicos del mazmorreo 😂
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EN Blog

They lost! We won! Or did we? (And some musings on the upcoming D&D movie)

They lost! We won! Or did we? (And some musings on the upcoming D&D movie) – Stargazer's World

Wizards of the Coast managed to do something extraordinary. In just a few days they managed to alienate a large portion of third-party publishers and some of their former business partners and alie…

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EN Rol Recurso

Crypt-o-Morphs, Set 2

Twelve years ago I started posting Geomorphs to this blog. Twelve years. I posted the first geomorph to the blog …Continue reading →

Lobo Blanco: ¿Puedes averiguar a qué se debe?
Néstor C.: Pues asumo que se debe a que no sale un mensaje de publicando, o este es breve. Aparte, el problema de base es que el sistema me permite publicar tantas...
Lobo Blanco: Llevo tiempo pensando en la forma dado que no funciona el desactivar el botón de publicar tras pulsar. Y la adición del título iba en esta dirección. Lo que haré es...
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