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Adventurer! The tabletop fantasy roleplaying hobby is bigger than one game or one license, as shown by this new and NEWLY EXTENDED Non-OGL Fantasy Bundle. None of the excellent fantasy RPGs in this offer are based on
Advanced Gamemastery: Are You Sure You Want To Do That? January 23rd, 2023 You are SURE you want to do that? No! Bad GM! No cookie! Are you SURE you want to ask your players if they’re sure you want to do that?
Over the past few weeks you, the community, have made your voices heard. And we’ve listened. OGL 1.0a will remain untouched AND the entire SRD 5.1...
Rather than requiring a declaration of what is OGC-equiv and what is PI-equiv, there would be a sensible default position with the option to make things...
Everyone, including me, should give them a chance.
Posts An Update on the Open Game License (OGL)
A game jam from 2023-01-01 to 2024-01-01 hosted by Rev Casey. Celebrate Open Gaming! Embrace open source games and true free license systems This jam was created because: open source gaming is amazing there's a w...